Will That Microphone Work With My Recorder/Camera? Plugs, Power, Connectors

https://youtu.be/n6C6yzt2Hgc As you might guess, this is a question that almost everyone asks when getting started with sound for video and film. It isn't the sexiest subject, but it was time. I hope this helps those of you that are scratching your heads, trying to figure out which mic you need to begin your audio journey.

In this episode we cover the different types of microphone plugs and power so that you can find a combination that will work for you. We’re not covering specific mics and cameras and recorders, but teaching you the various types of plugs and power so that you can find a combination that works for you.

To access the links, view the video over on YouTube and check out the about section (you can get to it by hovering over the video and clicking the YouTube icon at the bottom left).