RODECaster Pro II Review

In this week’s episode, we have a look at the new RODECaster Pro II. This follow-up to the original RODECaster Pro is an ‘integrated audio production studio,’ as well as a user-friendly audio recorder and interface for streaming and podcasting. It’s also something of a real-time digital audio processor, sound pad playback device, 4-way headphone amplifier, livestream MIDI controller, and overall purpose-built computer. Because this is a deep product, we’ll just scratch the surface in this video by giving you an overview of the feature set as well as walk through some sound quality and functionality tests. In future episodes we’ll take a deeper dive into some of the specific features and use cases discussed here. Let’s take a closer look!

If you’d like to learn how to make great dialogue audio for your film and video projects, please have a look at my courses including processing dialogue audio in Adobe Audition and DaVinci Resolve/Fairlight, recording sound, how to use the Zoom F4, F6, F8, and F8n, and how to get the most from the Sound Devices MixPre series of recorders. Our latest courses cover Sound for Live Streaming with the ATEM Mini and an Intro to Izotope RX.

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Gear used or mentioned in this episode. The links below are, B&H Photo, Sweetwater, DVEStore, Perfect Circuit, or other affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases:

- RODECaster Pro II audio recorder/interface — B&H, Sweetwater, DVE Store, Amazon

- SHURE SM7B microphone — B&H, Sweetwater, Perfect Circuit, Amazon

- SHURE MV7 microphone — B&H, Sweetwater, Amazon

- Aputure P300C LED used as key light — Aputure, B&H, DVE Store

- Aputure LS 300X used for background light — Aputure, B&H, Amazon

- Aputure Amaran P60X used for rim light — B&H, Amazon

- Aputure Spotlight Mount - Aputure, B&H, DVE Store. Amazon

- Rosco Prismatic Glass Gobo Cool Lavender creates the color pattern on the back wall - B&H

- Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 6K — B&H, DVE Store, Amazon

- Canon C70 camera — B&H

- Canon RF 24-70 f/2.8L lens — B&H, Amazon

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Copyright 2022, Curtis Judd