
Sound for Video Session: Q&A

In this week's Sound for Video Session, we cover your sound related questions.

Watson Wu - Sound FX recording

If you’d like to learn how to make great dialogue audio for your film and video projects, please have a look at my courses including processing dialogue audio in Adobe Audition and DaVinci Resolve/Fairlight, recording sound, how to use the Zoom F4, F6, F8, and F8n, and how to get the most from the Sound Devices MixPre series of recorders. We also just added a course on sound for live-streaming with the ATEM Mini.

Gear used or mentioned in this episode. The links below are, B&H Photo, Sweetwater, DVE Store, or other affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases:

- Allen & Heath SQ5 digital mixer - B&H, Sweetwater, Amazon

- Behind the Sound Cart by Patrushkha Mierzwa - Amazon

- RODE Wireless GO II wireless microphone system - B&H, DVE Store, Sweetwater, Amazon

- SHURE Duraplex lavalier microphones - B&H, Sweetwater

- SHURE Twinplex lavalier microphones - B&H, Sweetwater

- SHURE Axient Digital wireless microphone system - B&H, Sweetwater

- Earthworks SR314 - B&H, Sweetwater

- Panasonic GH5 camera - B&H, Amazon

- Canon C70 Camera - B&H

- Canon RF 24-70 f/2.8L IS lens - B&H, Amazon

- TA3-M to XLR-F Adapter cable to feed microphones to C70 or Blackmagic Pocket cameras - B&H

- ATEM Mini Extreme & Extreme ISO - B&H, DVE Store, Amazon

- Allen & Heath SQ5 Digital Mixer - B&H, Sweetwater, Amazon

- Sound Devices MixPre II Series Recorders - B&H, Sweetwater, Amazon

- Rupert Neve Designs Shelford Channel, pre-amp, EQ, compressor - Sweetwater, B&H

Take your films to the next level with music from Musicbed. Sign up for a free account to listen for yourself.

Copyright 2021, Curtis Judd

Sound for Video Session: Fairlight 16.2 Highlights & Q&A

In this session, we take a high-level look at some of the new features in DaVinci Resolve Fairlight 16.2 such as 32-bit audio support and automated loudness normalization. We then take your answers to the community and discuss.

To output from a dbx286s to a Canon 80D, you'll need the following. Full Disclosure, these are affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

- 1/4" to 3.5mm TRS cable - B&H

- 3.5mm female to 3.5mm male line to mic level attenuator cable - B&H

Please consider taking my courses on how to record better audio and post processing over at Learn Light and Sound.

Garrett Sammons is hosting an online film contest called Isolation. You can check out the details at the Isolation contest page.

Gear covered or used in this episode. Full Disclosure, some of these are affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

- RODE Wireless GO (White) - B&H

- TZ Audio Stellar X2 Vintage large diaphragm condenser microphone, used this for this livestream - TZ Audio

- dbx286S vocal channel strip - B&H Amazon

- RODE NTG4+ shotgun microphone - B&H

- RODECaster Pro podcast preamplifier/processor/recorder - B&H

- Sound Devices Wave Agent

- Accusonus Plugins - Accusonus

- Sennheiser MKH416 shotgun microphone - B&H

- Sennheiser MKH50 supercardioid boom microphone - B&H

- RODE NTG5 shotgun microphone - B&H

- Sound Devices 888 mixer/recorder - B&H

- Shure SM7B dynamic broadcast microphone - B&H

- Sound Devices MixPre II Series mixer/recorders - B&H

- Panasonic GH5 camera - B&H Amazon

- Canon C200 camera - B&H

- Audient evo 4 USB audio interface - B&H

- Cloudlifter microphone activator - B&H

- Fethead microphone activator - B&H

Copyright 2020, Curtis Judd

Recent Sound Project: The Army Nurse

Here’s a short film I was hired to help with recently. I did the production and foley sound. The director, Ryan Margetts, did nearly everything else including post audio and mix. We were a bit rushed to get this entered into the Light This Location contest so we weren’t able to put quite as much into the sound design as we had originally hoped, but it was a fun project and lots of lessons learned.

Sound for Video Session: Mixing a Commercial - Foley, Effects, Music

In this week's Sound for Video Session we have a quick look at a commercial mix I’m working on at the moment. We run through each sound effect/foley, and music track, the effects applied and talk briefly about fader automation.

Links to gear we discussed or used to record this session:

Presonus Faderport Motorized Fader and Control Surface:

Focal CMS 65 Near Field Monitors - Same as the 40s but with 6.5 inch woofers and bass response that reaches a little lower on the spectrum. These are on closeout so a good time to buy if you’re in the market.

Focal Shape 65 Near Field Monitors - These are the newer versions of the CMS. Will be included in our upcoming comparison

Electrovoice RE20 Dynamic Broadcast Microphone (this is the mic I used for this session)

Antelope Audio Orion Studio Audio Interface (This is what I used to record my sound for this session)

Copyright 2017 by Curtis Judd

The Beautiful Lies of Sound Design - Tasos Fratzolas

Tasos Fratzolas is a sound designer and sound effects creator originally from Greece. Here he gives a brilliant talk at TEDx on the beauty and meaning of sound. He covers a little bit on foley, reverb, and the meaning sound can convey. He also shows a brilliant example of how sound completely changes the meaning of a scene (with a video of a toddler's face and different sound effects).

I hope you find this as inspiring as I did.

You can find Tasos' sound library at