Sound Devices

Choosing a New Production Recorder with Allen Cavedo

In this episode, we talk with Allen Cavedo, a production sound mixer based in Virginia. Allen is in the market for a new production recorder/mixer and hasn't yet decided whether to go with the Sound Devices 833 or 888. We talk through the pros and cons and which fits his type of work better.

You can find some of Allen’s work here (Allen’s notes):

Unheard – Fly fishing film festival piece with ambient stereo sounds - Silver award winner

Reel Destinations – Promo for Focus Features Harriet film

MADD – TV and web ads – Gold award winner

Comcast – Internal corporate piece. The great sounding dialog is Allen’s, the not-so-great dialog is from another mixer

USMCA – Political ad shot in noisy location with 20 CNC machines running in background, SuperCMIT shotgun mic knocked out the noise

NFL Nashville Seattle Pittsburgh – Three cities where I got great interviews and NFL game day sounds, I also recorded the music in Nashville

The Boy and the Bucket – I got the ambient sounds of the kid for this corporate branding piece - Emmy Award winner