Compression for Dialogue Audio - Presets for Video Editors - Quick and Dirty

Are you a video editor and cannot or will not round-trip your audio over to an audio editing app to compress and even out your sound? If so, here’s a quick and dirty way to use a compressor and adjust two quick settings to get your audio sounding consistent and loud enough. Not my first recommendation, but works in a pinch for videos that aren’t that precious or important.

Here’s how I’d really work on audio loudness when the sound really matters.

If you’d like to learn how to make great dialogue audio for your film and video projects, please have a look at my courses including processing dialogue audio in Adobe Audition and DaVinci Resolve/Fairlight, recording sound, how to use the Zoom F4, F6, F8, and F8n, and how to get the most from the Sound Devices MixPre series of recorders. Our latest course is Sound for Live Streaming with the ATEM Mini.

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Gear used or mentioned in this episode. The links below are, B&H Photo, Sweetwater, DVEStore, Perfect Circuit, or other affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases:

- Earthworks SR314 condenser microphone - B&H, Sweetwater

- Schneider Radiant Soft Diffusion Filter - B&H

- Canon C70 - B&H

- Canon RF 24-70 f/2.8L - B&H, Amazon

- ATEM Mini Extreme HDMI switcher - B&H. DVE Store, Amazon

- Aputure C120DII LED Light - Aputure, B&H, DVE Store, Amazon

- Aputure Light Dome II soft box - Aputure, B&H, Amazon

- Aputure Amaran 100D LED light - Aputure, B&H, DVE Store, Amazon

- Aputure MC tiny RGB LED lights - Aputure, B&H, Amazon

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Copyright 2021, Curtis Judd