
Izotope RX De-click & Mouth De-click Demo

The Izotope RX De-click and Mouth De-click modules/plugins are helpful tools in managing mouth clicks, pops, and saliva noise in spoken word audio. In this episode, we demonstrate where, when, and how to use each of them.

The De-click plugin is available in RX Elements, Standard, and Advanced while the Mouth De-click plugin is only available in the Standard and Advanced versions of RX.

Mouth De-click is generally less aggressive and can be used to remove saliva noise and clicks within dialogue audio. The De-Click plugin is more aggressive and I usually only use it when I can select just the mouth click I want to remove.

Special thanks to Paul Figgiani who provided valuable insights on how best to use the De-click and Mouth De-click plugins. Paul shares insightful information on spoken word audio post processing over at Produce New Media.

If you’d like to learn how to make great dialogue audio for your film and video projects, please have a look at my courses including processing dialogue audio in Adobe Audition and DaVinci Resolve/Fairlight, recording sound, how to use the Zoom F4, F6, F8, and F8n, and how to get the most from the Sound Devices MixPre series of recorders. Our latest course is Sound for Live Streaming with the ATEM Mini.

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Gear used or mentioned in this episode. The links below are, B&H Photo, Sweetwater, DVEStore, Perfect Circuit, or other affiliate links. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases:

- Izotope RX - B&H, Sweetwater

- Earthworks SR-314 microphone - B&H, Sweetwater

- Sound Devices MixPre II Series audio recorder - B&H, Sweetwater, DVE Store, Amazon

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Copyright 2021, Curtis Judd